How to Prepare
While the sonographer will be able to offer detailed impressions about what was observed during a scan, final diagnosis and or suggestions for treatment should be solely based upon the interpretation of the DVM, radiologist, cardiologist, or internal medicine specialist assessing the study.
Please inform all owners that their pet will need to be shaved for their procedure. This is essential for acquiring superior, diagnostic images, and will ultimately allow for the best specialist interpretation.
For an abdominal ultrasound, the patient will need to be shaved 2 rib spaces cranial to the xyphoid process to the caudal abdomen with very wide margins. This is a shave similar to what's needed for exploratory laparotomy except wider and more cranial. The shave needs to be clean and to the skin.
For an echocardiogram, the patient should have a small square shaved (3"x3") in the right & left axial areas and a small square shaved (3"x3") just caudal to the xyphoid process.
Whenever possible, having the animal shaved prior to the appointment time will both expedite the process as well as minimize inducing stress directly before beginning an ultrasound study. Please have at least 1 assistant available to assist during the exam. For larger or giant breed patients, 2 assistants may be needed.
​Sedate as necessary and when appropriate. Patient comfort and reduced anxiety will significantly increase diagnostic yield, especially with abdominal studies. If an FNA is requested, sedation is very important.
The administration of any drugs and monitoring of the patient are the responsibilities of the requesting rDVM's staff.